the emotions
of your clients...
All your clients.
Understand your consumers, optimize your brand image, and boost your conversions through personalized analytical and creative support.
Vous aidez à comprendre en profondeur vos clients
Grâce à notre IA Emoticonnect, nous analysons les verbatims clients en utilisant l’IA générative pour recueillir des insights clés à partir de sources variées, qu’elles soient textuelles, vocales, vidéo ou photo. Notre accompagnement analytique et créatif transforme ces données en recommandations stratégiques, optimisant ainsi votre image de marque et augmentant vos conversions. Avec Emoticonnect, connectez-vous authentiquement avec vos consommateurs et faites évoluer votre entreprise vers de nouveaux sommets.
How does it work?
Emoticonnect decrypts thousands of interactions, likes, comments across the entire web for you.
data retrieval
(semantic, visual, demographic,
geographic, shopping cart/abandoned cart...)
Competitive positioning
Defined target clientele
Acquired marketing targets
Scoring sur les émotions
Générées par les messages diffusés
Operational improvement
With its emotional technology, Emoticonnect provides you with data on the real impact of your brand, on your target customers and how they feel about your messages. Advanced semantic analysis, combined with neuro-cognitive sciences, enhances your customer experience, your image, and provides you with key and concrete improvement strategies.
Knowing, centralizing, improving, creating, and performing to communicate better, reassure, pamper, and above all, preserve.
Why understand the emotions you provoke to your clients?
Professionals use AI tools in their daily lives, our emotional analysis tool makes this approach and integration of innovation into your work easier.
of the global population interacts with businesses daily on the web
In January 2024, billions of visits on Google. Our AI extracts all the data you want from an emotional and understandable perspective to optimize your performance quickly.
Our storie
After several years of assisting companies in optimizing their visibility, I couldn't find an existing tool that allowed for a better understanding of their communities across the entire web, from an almost personalized and precise perspective, regarding their daily expectations. This is how the first idea for Emoticonnect was born: to be able to address consumers' emotional demands while conveying to brands our human, creative, and marketing expertise.